
Landscape experiment at architektur 0.14

With the “Lollipop Landscape”, Fontana Landscape Architecture dared an experiment at the architektur0.14 exhibition: we planted an entire forest of apple-flavoured lollipops in various shades of green.

Landscape is natural space, living space, cultural space and economic space. It is the result of action and interaction, of the interplay of natural and human factors. So ist the Lollipop-Landscape:

During the three days of the exhibition, visitors were invited to reshape the virtual landscape. According to the principle “take one – put one”, they were allowed to harvest one lollipop each from the landscape and in return put a new one in a place of their choice. The experiment was successful, the audience from young to old played along. The process and the result were documented in a film: An amazing change of forms, colours, clearing and densification!

Lollipop Landscape by Bildsprung.