Construction progress on the animal shelter of the two Basel half-cantons
The sponsor, Tierschutz beider Basel, TbB, sees the new animal shelter as a centre of excellence that should and wants to open itself to the outside. The new building at the heart of Basel has to guarantee the wellbeing of the animals on the one hand, as it will provide a home to up to four hundred animals at times, animals that will get enough exercise thanks to the outside enclosures. On the other hand the needs of the running of the shelter have to be met, along with those of visitors, neighbours and walkers along the Birs.
One important element in designing the outside space consists of the polygonal concrete slabs that are being cast in situ. They connect the outside enclosures; as they approach the entrances to the building they are compacted into a continuous surface that is easy to walk on. Towards the outside, the banks of the Birs, the slabs drift apart to become stepping stones before they get lost in the field on which there are also some trees. The construction is in progress; the large-format concrete slabs are in the process of being cast one by one. This work defines the basic structure of the outside space.