New Play Islands in Basel’s Kannenfeldpark
Laid out as a cemetery in 1870, Basel’s Kannenfeldpark has been used and appreciated as a park since 1951. Since 2004 Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur has been making sure that the unusual green space with its old cemetery vegetation and huge tree diversity keeps its special character while keeping pace with modern requirements. Five circular play islands embed themselves as new elements into the historically grown structures. They are to replace the out-dated playground equipment while integrating play into the park in a concentrated manner that disturbs neither the park nor other visitors.
The robust, timeless concrete circles in the grass are designed to be changeable: they provide a formal, uniform setting that remains flexible in its use for various types of play. The circle is common in the historic park’s repertoire of shapes and therefore blends in well. The last two of these islands are currently being built: a climbing island made of tree trunks and nets and the sandy play island for younger children. Excavation began in early April. The construction works in the midst of the delicate park structures and near the roots of valuable old trees require precision and care. Children will likely be able to start playing on these two new islands in summer/autumn 2018.