
New Play Islands open in Kannenfeldpark

After a construction period of three months it is almost as if they had always been there. Although the five large concrete circles with their different activity options clearly stand out as new elements, they nevertheless blend in with the historic park that was developed from an old cemetery. Since the old play equipment had become a bit long in the tooth and was spread out all across the park Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur developed a solution that ensures a good range of activity options for children for the long term, without impairing the atmosphere of the venerable park.

The two last islands have now finally been completed. The circle as a basic shape is part of the historic elements of park design and therefore integrates very well. The five circles, which have been situated into the ‘play axis’ in the park’s lawn, have been designed to be flexible and therefore lastingly ‘updatable settings’. Whenever the need arises it will be uncomplicated to refresh them or adapt them to new needs. Playing has been given an exciting space and setting, which in turn guarantees tranquillity in the other areas of the park.