Welcome back
Tom Schweizer trained at Fontana Landscape Architecture as a draughtsman from 2016 to 2020. We are delighted that he is now back as a fully trained team-member. Welcome, Tom!
Tom Schweizer trained at Fontana Landscape Architecture as a draughtsman from 2016 to 2020. We are delighted that he is now back as a fully trained team-member. Welcome, Tom!
Eine unschöne Lücke inmitten Liestals wird mit einem zukunftsweisenden, grünen Brückenschlag geschlossen: Anstelle von Parkplätzen und einem Bach im engen Betonkorsett wird in Liestal der Orispark rund um den revitalisierten Orisbach entstehen – und damit ein attraktives Bindeglied zwischen dem Bahnhof und dem Stedtli, wie die Liestaler ihre Altstadt nennen. Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur betreut das Projekt seit 2017. Am 19.11.2023 hat die Liestaler Bevölkerung nun ja zum Orispark und dem zugehörigen Post-Neubau gesagt. Wir freuen uns auf die nächsten Schritte!
DETAILSAlle fünf Jahre vergeben die beiden Basler Kantone gemeinsam die Auszeichnung gutes Bauen – dem Zeitgeist sei dank immer häufiger auch für gebaute Freiräume! Wir freuen uns, auch 2023 zu den Preisträgern zu gehören: Mit dem Park Steinbühlmätteli, der Siedlung Hirtenweg und nicht zuletzt mit dem Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, das, wohl auch dank der grünen Fassade, den Publikumspreis erhalten hat.
DETAILSDer Stadtrat und der Einwohnerrat Liestals haben im Mai 2023 den Quartierplan "Am Orisbach" beschlossen. Im November 2023 folgt die Volksabstimmung, die darüber entscheidet, ob Liestals Zentrum einen neuen Park am Wasser erhält und der Orisbach aus seinem Betonkorsett befreit werden kann. Nun hat sich ein überparteiliches Ja-Komitee formiert.
DETAILSVorder Brüglingen in the famous Merian Gardens have been renovated and redesigned by Fontana Landscape Architecture in recent years. What is special about the new design? And what is the most exciting thing about the long history of this place? Massimo Fontana will provide first-hand information as part of Open House Basel 2023: Saturday, 6 May at 1 and 5 pm.
DETAILSEvery year the architectural Magazine Hochparterre awards the best landscape architecture projects in Switzerland with the "Hare". Although the three "hares" have gone to other projects 2022, we are pleased, along with the Christoph Merian Foundation, to have received one of the jury's two recognitions in the landscape architecture category.
DETAILSOn 8 September 2022, uptown Basel was opened: This "Industrial Area 4.0" has been growing in Arlesheim in place of the former Schoren site since 2019. It is committed to innovation and sustainability not only in terms of content and architecture, but also in the outdoor space. Fontana planted a 4000 square metre garden onto the roof of the first new building on the site on the banks of the River Birs. And a temporary recreational space for the first 400 employees in front of the door.
DETAILSThe Anthos Yearbook Number 2 of the BSLA has been published. It proves that the step from a monthly magazine to a more in-depth yearbook has been successful. Congratulations! We are pleased to be represented in the "best of" section of the book – with two projects: the Schüssinsel (Biel) and the Kannenfeldpark (Basel).
DETAILSA great deal of work on a great public garden is coming to an end: We are still putting the finishing touches to the new old gardens of Vorder Brüglingen within the Merian Gardens. Meanwhile, the Christoph Merian Foundation has announced the completion of construction work in Vorder Brüglingen. The visitors have already taken possession of their park.
DETAILSThe first Architekturwoche Basel is over and complemented the already established Open House Basel wonderfully. We are happy to have brought a little free space into the dense architecture programme with our contributions!
DETAILSIn March 2022, the 6th yearbook of Landscape Architecture Europe was published - with best practice examples of current european landscape architecture. Fontana Landscape Architecture is represented in it with the project Schüss Island Biel.
DETAILSAn almost 50,000 square metre blank area on Aarau's city map is being filled with life: The currently inaccessible barracks area near the city centre is to become an open urban district. Its realisation is planned in stages starting in 2031. We are part of the team that has been awarded the contract to develop the indicative project - and are looking forward to the workshop procedure!
DETAILSAt the conference "Bäume in der Stadt" (trees in the city) organised by Grün Stadt Zürich, Robert Zeller did not represent Fontana for once, but was present in his honorary capacity as president of the Basel Tree Protection Commission – and together with Peter Kuhn from the Bern Tree Competence Centre, gave a presentation on practical tree protection in Bern and Basel. The lecture is now available as a video.
DETAILSThe population of Arlesheim has approved the Untere Weiden II neighbourhood plan. The master plan can now be implemented, and the historic industrial area can be transformed into the "innovation park" Uptown Basel. Between mighty buildings landscape will move into the industrial area. And with it, entirely new amenity qualities and ecological values: the valuable space along the banks of the Birs will be given more space, and the industrial area will be given a strong green lung.
DETAILSA successful interplay of art and landscape architecture: The artist andreasschneider and the architect Philipp Schallnau created an expressive design for the memorial site - we embedded it in the surroundings in such a way that not only the artists' work but also the landscape wins.
DETAILSFontana Landscape Architecture has been accompanying the development of the Hagnau site near the Schänzli and the Birs in Muttenz since 2014. After the rejection of various objections, the neighbourhood plan, which was approved by the population in 2018, became legally valid in autumn 2021. Now the project planning for the open spaces is in full swing!
DETAILSConstruction work is still underway at Vorder Brüglingen in Basel's Merian Gardens. But the newly designed playground by Fontana and the playground builders from Kukuk has already passed its baptism of fire: The reality test with our most important and probably most merciless critics – the little users themselves!
DETAILSWe have been developing the "Uptown" site in Arlesheim together with architect Hansjörg Fankhauser since 2019 – from master plan to implementation. Now the first trees have been planted. Before they could sink their roots into the ground, however, they had to make a short flight: They are standing in a 4000 square meter roof garden – the largest that Fontana has realized so far!
DETAILSSince 2016, Fontana Landscape Architecture has been accompanying the visionary urban development project Bredella in Pratteln. In January 2022, Ina Invest AG took over Ceres Group Holding, the previous owner and developer. The project will continue unchanged and so we are also continuing to plan Pratteln's future under the new ownership.
DETAILSWe made it onto the cover of an American magazine ...
DETAILSA meeting centre is being added to ETH Zurich's renowned research campus at Hönggerberg. The new HIC building will provide space for student organisations, various user groups and entrepreneurial initiatives and thus promote collaboration. As part of the general planning team of Buchner Bründler Architekten / Rapp Architekten, we were able to win the competition.
DETAILS"Meet" is to be the forerunner of a completely new type of urban development: the iconic, suburban centre that combines work, shopping, sport, culture, health services and much more, and does not close itself off like a mall, but opens up and responds to its surroundings.
DETAILSOn August 30th the University Centre for Dentistry Basel UZB was inaugurated on the Rosental site. The "most modern dental clinic in Europe" combines the Basel Volkszahnklinik, the Schulzahnklinik and the university clinics for dentistry under one roof. In this high density, the scarce outdoor space is of particular importance for the quality of the urban environment. Fontana has customised the open spaces for this location.
DETAILS„Kaum eine Planung ist so komplex, nachhaltig und beeinflusst die Lebensqualität im Alltag wie die des Freiraumes“, schreibt das deutsche Architekturmagazin „100 Häuser“. In der aktuellen Ausgabe „100 green spaces“ zur Aussenraumgestaltung wird mit der Schüssinsel in Biel auch ein Projekt von Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur vorgestellt.
PROJECTDie Veranstaltungsreihe „de 5 à 7“ der SIA-Sektionen Bern und Biel-Seeland gibt den Mitgliedern die Möglichkeit, besonders interessante Bauprojekte der Region unter fachkundiger Führung zu besichtigen und zu diskutieren – darunter auch die Schüssinel in Biel von Fontana. 2019 kam die Begleitpublikation heraus, in der diese Projekte dokumentiert sind. Ein interessantes Nachschlagewerk, finden wir.
PROJECTAm Bahnhof von Pratteln soll an Stelle eines introvertierten Industriegebiets ein offener neuer Stadtteil entstehen. Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur entwickelt zusammen mit Burckhardt + Partner Architekten den Masterplan, der dem Areal Struktur gibt, der die Baufelder, Plätze, Gassen, Wege und Grünflächen definiert, um ein lebenswertes Stück Stadt entstehen zu lassen. Im Juni 2019 wurde die Bevölkerung über die Pläne für das Areal informiert. Die Website www. bredella.ch gibt Einblick in die Geschichte und Zukunft des Areals.
DETAILSAnthos 2/2019 widmet sich einem grossen Thema der Landschaftsarchitektur: den Plätzen. In diesem Rahmen stellt unsere Mitarbeiterin Vedrana Zalac einen ihrer Lieblingsplätze vor: einen archetypischen Platz mit Blick auf das Mittelmeer.
PUBLICATIONwerk, bauen + wohnen wirft in seiner Ausgabe 5/2019 einen kritischen Blick auf die Entwicklung von Biel – und streift dabei auch zwei für die Stadtentwicklung mitentscheidende Aussenraumprojekte von Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur: Die Schüssinsel und die Erweiterung des Omega-Hauptsitzes von Shigeru Ban.
PROJECTThe city of Basel wants to create affordable housing on Hirtenweg in Riehen. Harry Gugger Studio, Erne Holzbau and Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur won the competition held by the city of Basel, submitting a bid that brings together several isolated buildings using landscape design. The result is a dense, yet private ensemble.
DETAILSSince 2007 a new urban quarter has been under construction on the Erlenmatt, based on the principles of sustainable neighbourhood development. In May 2019 the new tenants will move into the new building on ‘construction site A’. The outside space is currently being completed: large plane trees will complement the planting scheme on Signalstrasse, while the courtyards will be transformed into green refuges.
DETAILSThe building co-operatives Matt and ABL are jointly planning the construction of 142 new flats and 12 new studios on Bernstrasse in Lucerne. The project by Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur and Luca Selva Architekten emerged as the competition winner in 2017. Now the two building co-operatives have overwhelmingly voted in favour of implementing the construction project and have approved the funds.
DETAILSThe foundation stone was laid in 2016. In 2017 the topping out ceremony was held. Now the outside spaces are being constructed all around the new build by Dominique Perrault-Architekten near Zürich’s Altstetten station. In the near future they will counter the elegant built densification with a little green relaxation. At the moment the dominant colour is still grey but that’s about to change.
DETAILSJust like architects, landscape architects, being designers of living spaces, are also generalists to a certain degree. With that in mind, we devoted this year’s office outing to peeking over the garden fence of our profession.
DETAILSIn today’s newsletter Swiss-architects.com are pleased that several urban-space designs have been included among Basel’s best buildings, a list containing iconic and large features and four buildings by Herzog & de Meuron. Two of these urban spaces were designed by Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur.
DETAILSTwo of Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur’s projects were put on the list of best buildings in the cantons of Basel-Landschaft and Basel-Stadt. They are the Klybeckquai in Basel and the Magnetareal in Pratteln. All the selected projects in Basel and Liestal were showcased in an exhibition between 31 October and 12 November 2018.
DETAILSFor one day on 18 Oct 2018 our office was transformed into a bar. We stepped away from our computers, turned our seating areas into a dance floor and lit up our beautiful courtyard with soft mood lighting. We would like to thank all our guests who came to celebrate ten years of Fontana with us. Here are some impressions of the party.
Massimo Fontana will give the regional group Biel-Seeland of the SIA (Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects) insights into the planning and implementation of the Schüssinsel Biel as part of a guided tour on 24 August 2017.
DETAILSIn June 2018 the residents gave their approval for the new plans for the Hagnau area in Muttenz. Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur has been involved in the co-operative planning process for the area since 2014. The island, which is currently isolated from the rest of the urban space, is to become a dense, urban quarter on the River Birs. We are now working to implement the guidelines we helped to develop into real, liveable outside spaces.
DETAILSOnce a year Switzerland’s city building planners come together to exchange their knowledge and expertise. At the meeting in June 2018 one of the items on the agenda was a visit to the Schüssinsel. Massimo Fontana took the heads of the municipal construction and planning offices on a tour of the park island.
DETAILSIn 2016 Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur won the competition to redesign Liestal’s Postplatz square. As part of the construction of the new replacement building for the post office, the green corridor created by the Orisbach – currently channelled through pipes and partially covered by parking spaces – is to be given a new lease of life as an attractive connection between the station and the old town. The revised project has now been converted into a plan for the quarter and presented to the residents. The consultation process is to begin at the end of 2018.
DETAILSTwo new playgrounds have been opened in Basel’s Kannenfeldpark in time for the start of the holidays: the sand & water playground for littler ones and the climbing playground with tree trunks and ropes for older children are now complete, meaning that the last two of the five new play areas in the park are finished. These circular islands are perfect for playing with mud, splashing about, climbing, swinging and playing in the sand. The children have immediately claimed the new islands.
DETAILSThe 49th Art Basel opened its doors on 13 June 2018. This year its exterior spaces will present an unusual sight: trees have temporarily entered the usually plantless courtyard of the exhibition and Ipsteinstrasse, providing a brief forest of leaves in among the art world. The caravan of plane trees will move on after the show. We will show you this tree journey, planned and executed by Fontana, in a short ‘making of’.
DETAILSIn 2017 we redeveloped the rose garden in Kannenfeldpark in Basel. Now the sea of blossoms of the early flowering plants is showing itself for the first time in all its tender glory, before the roses take centre stage again in the redesigned garden. We invite you to go on a digital walk through our image gallery.
DETAILSMudlarking, splashing, climbing, swinging, playing in the sand – every one of these important activities has its own island, right in the middle of Basel’s time-honoured Kannenfeldpark. Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur has situated five play islands between the main paths, magnificent park trees and the flowering world of the old park in such a way that its special atmosphere remains unspoiled while children are nevertheless able to be wholly themselves here. The construction of the last two islands is now under way.
DETAILSWith its190 different tree species and varieties it is almost a tree collection: Kannenfeldpark in Basel. Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur has been contributing to its maintenance and development for years. The new tree guide published by the Basel Green Spaces Department now allows visitors to go on a tree trip around the world – all in Kannenfeldpark. It can be downloaded here: http://www.bs.ch
DETAILSFontana Landschaftsarchitektur has won the study project for the further development of the Merian Gardens in Basel. Formerly a country estate, the Merian Gardens are today surrounded by the city; they are now in need of the right form and function – a blend of scientific plant collection and public park.
DETAILSA new animal species has conquered the Schüssinsel in Biel: the Golden Rabbit award issued by Hochparterre. The architecture magazine issued its awards in the categories design, architecture and landscaping on 5 Dec 2017. Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur received the highest award in the latter category for designing the park island in Biel. We are very pleased!
DETAILSA golden December for the Schüssinsel: in addition to the golden Hochparterre award, the Schüssinsel in Biel, designed and implemented by Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur, was also awarded the Flaneur d’Or 2017 by Pedestrian Mobility Switzerland.
DETAILSThe new animal shelter of the two Basel half-cantons is growing and the outside spaces are also beginning to take shape. The floor slabs are currently being cast: large-format, polygonal concrete slabs cast in situ that will have a formative impact on the appearance of the outside space.
DETAILSCollaborating with Hosoya Schafer Architects, Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur will be one of five teams developing ideas for a new urban quarter in the centre of Zug. The study brief is to identify guidelines and opportunities for a holistic town planning concept so that the areas of the site that have already been built on can be extended and revived in a convincing manner.
DETAILSFor years Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur, commissioned by Stadtgärtnerei Basel, has overseen the development of the Kannenfeldpark in Basel, to secure the qualities and structures of the historic park, while at the same time delivering a lively space for today’s requirements. The rose garden, redeveloped to plans by Fontana, was opened in late June 2017.
DETAILSMassimo Fontana has been appointed to the expert committee on planning and construction matters of the town of Biel. The committee, made up of outside experts, advises the town’s authority responsible for approving planning and construction projects on the town planning, architectural and landscape design qualities of construction projects.
Ideas for a new development in Dübendorf were developed in a small, creative setting and in an unusual manner: three landscape architecture teams, including Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur, were invited to a design charrette to spend two days working intensively to find solutions for high-quality outside structures.
DETAILSFontana Landschaftsarchitektur, together with Luca Selva Architekten, has won the competition for a cooperative residential development in Lucerne with the design ‘forever young’. The submission solves the challenging location on a steep hillside and a through road with a clever balance of built-up space and outside space that counterbalance the location’s thoroughfare character with an inviting air of respite and tranquillity.
DETAILSThe Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute TPH is consolidating its premises, currently spread out all over Basel, in one new build in Allschwill. Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur was commissioned with designing the outside space and will envelop the transparent timber, steel and glass building by the architectural office Kunz und Mösch in a tropical green veil.
DETAILSWhile the disappearance of land that is not built on is lamented all over Switzerland, a new island has emerged in the Schüss river in Biel. A remarkable planning effort and political process has made the Schüssinsel (‘Schüss Island’) possible in a densely built up area. After a long construction period, the Stebler-Kanal was flooded on 18 May. And with that the redesigned piece of land finally became an island. The park island will be handed over to the public on 17 June.
DETAILSFontana Landschaftsarchitektur was selected along with Hosoya Schaefer Architects as one of three teams to submit a test plan for the Aarau Barracks. The inaccessible military complex in the middle of Aarau, the capital of canton Aargau, is to become a vibrant part of the town in the medium term. We are pleased to be working on one of the hotspots of urban densification in the canton.
DETAILSThe Merian Gardens, which became known thanks to the Grün 80exhibition, are not just Basel’s largest municipal garden; they are also home to an internationally significant plant collection; they are an agricultural test garden and they are the headquarters of Pro Specie Rara. Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur is part of one of five teams participating in a study commission to explore the future development of the gardens in the context of the changing city.
DETAILSThe construction co-operative ‘wohnen und mehr’ wants to develop residential solutions fit for the future at the Felix Platter Areal in Basel. Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur, together with Bachelard Wagner Architekten and Reuter Architekten, is one of seven teams selected from 61 entries by the jury for this study commission.
DETAILSResidential apartment blocks are to be built on the land currently occupied by the SRF-Studio Bruderholz of the Radio- und Fernsehgenossenschaft Basel (RFB). In a study assignment consisting of five teams of designers the idea put forward by Morger Partner Architekten and Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur convinced the jury.
DETAILSThe Kannenfeldpark, a former cemetery in the heart of Basel, was transformed into a park in 1868 and opened to the public in the 1950s. Since 2004 Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur has been overseeing its preservation, restoration and regeneration. The park, intensively used, will now be expanded to include a playground, and the rose garden will be given an overhaul.
DETAILSWinter is the time when vegetation comes to rest and so it is also the right time to plant trees. 605 trees and 850 bushes will provide greenery, structure and shade for the Schüssinsel in Biel, a previously inaccessible little island that we are enlarging and transforming into a park. The first trees are currently being placed and planted.
DETAILSAlong with the architects working at Christ und Gantenbein, Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur was one of 42 teams participating in the competition for the Museum of the 20th Century.
DETAILSIn 2013 the project by Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur and Dominique Perrault Architekten was selected for the commission of a study. At the end of October 2016 the laying of the foundation stone for the three elegant high-rise towers at Zurich’s Altstetten Station was celebrated. The project’s intended completion date is 2018. It will therefore be a little while still before the impressive promenade, the roof gardens and the rear-facing park enter the implementation phase.
DETAILSIm Wettbewerb um den Rheinpark Weil ging es nicht allein um die Sanierung und Umgestaltung des in die Jahre gekommenen Parks. Es waren auch Lösungen für eine durchgängige Rheinuferpromenande von Basel nach Weil und nicht zuletzt Ideen zur städtebaulichen Entwicklung gefragt. Der Vorschlag von Fontana kam an. Als eines von zwei Büros wurden wir zur Überarbeitung eingeladen.
DETAILSThe design of Klybeck Quay as a temporary promenade – a vibrant interim solution for the gradual relocation of the Swiss Rhine harbour from central Basel to the city’s outskirts – first earned the Spanish Rosa Barba Award and now also the 2016 International Architecture Award.
DETAILSThe project by Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur and Christ & Gantenbein Architekten won first place in the competition for the Postplatz square – at the intersection between the station, Liestal’s old town and the cutting of the Orisbach stream.
DETAILSThe excavators which are making the island take shape are still at work, but two new bridges have already been installed. On 19 May, the final one of the three steel bridges that will in future connect the town of Biel/Bienne with its new park will be moved in the presence of the press.
DETAILSAngesichts des Drucks auf unsere Parks und Freiräume hat der Schweizer Heimatschutz das Jahr 2016 zum Gartenjahr erklärt. Der Basler Kannenfeldpark ist nicht nur Teil des Rahmenprogramms mit Führungen in der ganzen Schweiz, sondern auch in die Neuauflage der Publikation „Die schönsten Gärten und Parks der Schweiz“ aufgenommen worden.
DETAILSMassimo Fontana discussed the significance and function of outside spaces with regard to real estate developments with Tobias Achermann (CEO Zug Real Estate) in the presence of Switzerland’s most important investors at the Immo 2016 on 3 February 2016.
DETAILSOn this year’s office excursion, the Fontana team sought inspiration where Switzerland is growing fastest, namely the Zug region.
DETAILSAll gardens and parks start, by definition, with – partial – destruction. The old must give way to the new. Things are no different on the Schüssinsel: for flood defences, for its use as a park, and for the planting of ecologically and visually high-grade vegetation, numerous trees have been felled on the island in order to create space for something new.
DETAILSThe two Basels’ animal shelter is getting a new home.
DETAILSTogether with Morger Dettli Architekten, Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur has been commissioned with the planning and implementation of a new building complex in the centre of Oberkirch. Kick-off was in January 2015, completion is envisaged for 2017.
DETAILSNahe der Bahnstation Oberwil in Zug ist eine neue Wohnüberbauung im Entstehen. Für einmal werden die Anwohner mitten in einen freundlichen Hain aus grossen Föhren und Vogelbeerbäumen ziehen statt jahrelang auf das Wachstum junger Bäume zu warten, ehe sie wieder im Schatten eines ehrwürdigen alten Baumes sitzen können. In den letzten Wochen wurden 80 stattliche Bäume gepflanzt.
DETAILSNach einem Jahr Pause nimmt Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur zum zweiten Mal mit einem konzeptionellen Beitrag an der Ausstellung teil.
LINKUnter dem Titel "Blau vernetzt" findet am Freitag, 25. Oktober, der Landschaftskogress IBA Basel 2020/BSLA statt.
LINKAs part of the monographic exhibition "Dominique Perrault Architecture- Territoires et Horizons", the study project "Vulcano", which Fontana developed in collaboration with Dominique Perrault, was presented at the EPFL from 05.06.13 -29.06.13.
DETAILSDer diesjährige Büroausflug der Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur führte nach Lausanne.
DETAILSMit dem Vortrag "Literaturgeographie oder die Kartografierung literarischer Landschaften" von Dr. Phil. Barbara Piatti, startet am 28. Februar die diesjährige Vortragsreihe der Stiftung Gartenbau Bibliothek. Die Vorträge finden im Vortragssaal der Schule für Gestaltung auf der Lyss statt. Adresse: Spalenvorstadt 2, 4051 Basel.
LINKDie Ausstellung "the swiss touch in landscape architecture" geht auf Weltreise.
PUBLICATIONFontana Landscape Architecture looks back on a successful exhibition "Architectur 0.12". Many exciting and stimulating conversations and discussions took place with guests, friends and planning partners from the Swiss architectural scene. The exhibition concept of "Landscape in Process" met with a great response. We would like to sincerely thank all visitors who helped shape our postcard landscape.
DETAILSMit einem gemeinsamen Mittagsessen dankt die Bauherrschaft allen beteiligten Planern und Handwerkern.
DETAILSFontana Landschaftsarchitektur gewinnt mit Renzo Bader Architekten den städtebaulichen Studienauftrag für das ehemalige Kantonsspitalareal in Zug.
DETAILSFontana Landschaftsarchitektur besucht zeitgenössische Freiräume und historische Gartenanlagen in Winterthur.
DETAILSSeit Mai 2012 laufen die Abbrucharbeiten. Im August wurde ein historischer Sodbrunnen gefunden...
DETAILSWahlenpark and Leutschenpark will be shown as part of the exhibition of the Architekturforum Zürich from 24.05.2007 to 14.07.2007.
DETAILSFontana Landscape Architecture is represented with five projects in the exhibition on Swiss landscape architecture by the Swiss Arts Council, Pro Helvetia and EPFL!
DETAILSAt the International Conference "Basel: Small City - Global City" from 13 to 17 October 2011 - organised by AIA Europe - Massimo Fontana represented the perspective of landscape architecture in the panel discussion.
DETAILSAs part of the exhibition, Wahlenpark and Leutschenpark, designed by Massimo Fontana, will also be on display from 27.08.2003 to 25.10.2003.
DETAILSNach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Bauprojektes hat die Bam Swiss AG und die Multi Development Switzerland AG das gesamte Planerteam Erlenmatt Galerie, Basel zu einem Wochenende auf den Gotthard eingeladen.
DETAILSWithin the lecture series at :mlzd Architekten, Biel, Massimo Fontana presented the work and viewpoint of Fontana Landscape Architects.